Basic Medical Checkup Packages

Women's Wellness

  • General Assessment

  • Physical Examination
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
  • Cardiac Service Investigation

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Exercise Treadmil Stress Test OR 2D Echocardiogram
  • Imaging Investigation

  • Chest X-Ray
  • Physiotherapy

  • Spirometry
  • Laboratory Tests

  • Urine FEME
  • Full Blood Count
  • Kidney Function Test
  • Uric Acid
  • Liver Function Test
  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Fasting Serum Lipid
  • Thyroid Function Test
  • Women's Health Screening (>40 years old)

  • Mammogram
  • Consultation by Cardiology Clinical Specialist

  • Refreshments

    * Provided after each session

  • Report Summary

Belle Sante

  • General Assessment

  • Physical Examination
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
  • Cardiac Service Investigation

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Exercise Treadmil Stress Test OR 2D Echocardiogram
  • Imaging Investigation

  • Chest X-Ray
  • Physiotherapy

  • Spirometry
  • Laboratory Tests

  • Urine FEME
  • Full Blood Count
  • Kidney Function Test
  • Uric Acid
  • Liver Function Test
  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Fasting Serum Lipid
  • Thyroid Function Test
  • Female Cancer Screening

  • Carcino-Embryonic Antigen (CEA)
  • Alpha Fetoprotein
  • Ovarian Cancer (Ca-125)
  • Breast Cancer (Ca 15-3)
  • Carbohyrate Antigen 19-9 (Ca 19.9)
  • Women's Health Screening (>40 years old)

  • Mammogram
  • Ultrasound Abdomen & Pelvis
  • Pap Smear (Thin Prep)
  • Consultation by Cardiology Clinical Specialist

  • Refreshments

    * Provided after each session

  • Report Summary

Basic Medical Checkup Packages

Pre-Employment and Pre-University

  • General Assessment

  • Physical Examination
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
  • Visual Aculty and Color Blind Test
  • Imaging Investigation

  • Chest X-Ray
  • Laboratory Tests

  • Urine FEME
  • Consultation by Health Screening Doctor

  • Refreshments

    * Provided after each session

  • Report Summary